For Object Dock
Published on March 18, 2009 By PuterDudeJim In OS Customization

3DX backdrops for the Object Dock weather docklet. Just unzip these and go to your stardock directory in program files. Object Dock/docklets/weather. Find the image called backdrop.png.Add a .bak to the end of it. Then copy one of my 63 into the folder, rename it backdrop.png. Just repeat this whenever you want to change backdrops. I hope you enjoy!

Get them here.

on Mar 18, 2009

Intersting Jim... nifty Idea

on Mar 18, 2009


on Mar 18, 2009

It would be nice if we could adjust these like tiles, so the icons/text could be set above the tile some in order to make it more readable.

on Mar 18, 2009

It would be nice if we could adjust these like tiles, so the icons/text could be set above the tile some in order to make it more readable.

I can do this, all it would require is to make a blank png image, taller than the docklet image, copy the docklet image to it, and situate it at the bottom of the image. Save and it should work, unless the docklet size is hard coded.